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being planned

The Human Beans Project

a group dining experience

A thoughtfully hosted & carefully curated dining event series where we celebrate human connection through the 3 classic ingredients: good food, great conversation, & even better company. Sit down & dine with your friends, clients, or even strangers & build deeper, more authentic connections.

No work talk allowed (we mean it). 

hover over me ↓

We're just a bunch of

human beans

Our dinners are going to be focused on 4 main things:

  1. Sharing our passions: My friends and I are pretty amazing, especially when it comes to hosting events. Between the 6 of us, we have award winning chefs, hospitality connoisseurs, and planning pros. We are passionate about connecting people over food and conversation. We’re passionate about creating community and cultivating shared spaces. And we’re excited to talk about your passions, when you come to our event.
  2. Engaging in conversation: Our events are not meant for the wallflowers. We want to bring people together who are excited to TALK to other humans. In order to do this, we use a few guiding methods:
    • no phones during our events* – for the obvious reason that we’re here to connect with the people in the room. If you want to take pics or have to take a call, go for it! But we ask that while you’re dining with us, you’re engaged with us!
    • Helpful conversation starters – we’re kick-starting the conversations with helpful (and thoughtful) topics of conversation. It can be intimidating to start a conversation, so we’re helping make it smoother!
    • No work talk – we spend ALOT of time working and thinking about work and talking about work. So for the few hours of our event, we’re parking work at the door. It’s time to give the rest of your life (your hobbies, your interests, your curiosities) time (and space) to shine!
    • Encouragement to come alone – making friends as adults can be hard. We want our events to be grounds for new connections to spark. This is a great opportunity to be in a room with 30 other people who are also genuinely interested in connecting with others. (I can already picture the sparks flying!)
  3. Breaking the social norms – have you ever heard that old adage that says “you should never talk about politics, religion, money, or sex at the dinner table”? Well – at our dinner table, all topics are on the table. This is not your typical dinner party. We’re diving deep and getting into the topics that really matter.
  4. Planting seeds (beans) of change – a lot can happen when people commune over food and conversation. As a believer that we are all more connected than we often admit, these events are meant to inspire change. Maybe it’s inspiration to start a new project or inspiration to take the risk. Maybe it’s inspiration to speak up or inspiration to learn more. You never know what a few magic beans might yield when planted with the right care.

All the important details

Upon arrival at a specially chosen local venue (hopefully we’ve found a new gem to introduce you too!), you’ll be greeted with a hand-crafted cocktail (for those of you who prefer some liquid courage) or mocktail (for those who prefer something delicious in their hands to sip on).

Our hosts will guide you through some initial mingling activities to get everyone chatting & feeling comfortable. Throughout the duration of the evening, we’ll facilitate conversations and offer some “lite” activities designed to help you connect with the other guests in a relaxed, enjoyable, & authentic way. We will also aim to leave some open space at the end of our evening so that any new connections that have sparked can be shared (& contact information swapped).

Get your tickets

Your ticket includes:

  • Themed welcome cocktail/mocktail upon arrival.
  • 4 course meal with drink pairings that align with our theme (it’s going to get creative, folks)!
  • Curated & guided conversation topics throughout the night crafted to get deep (no surface level chat here)! 

Imagine the joy of opening your mailbox & instead of it being a boring white envelope signifying some sort of bill or notice, you find a beautifully crafted invitation…!

With a deep appreciation for the personal touch, access to our events is going to happen a little bit differently. When a new dining event is announced, you’ll have a chance to register & let us know you’re interested in coming. Based on our capacity, the first guests to sign up will be mailed a hand-crafted invite

We love the Andy Warhol quote, “The idea of waiting for something makes it more exciting”. That’s what we hope to do with our invitation practice, give you something exciting to anticipate.

Guests who are on the invite list will have a deadline to RSVP, & any unclaimed spots will be gifted to other interested folks or offered out in random fashion, ensuring a unique mix of attendees at each dinner.

There's always more to learn

Our name, Human Beans, is a playful twist on “human beings,” reflecting the idea that, like beans, we come in many varieties & provide essential nourishment to each other. Beans symbolize diversity, versatility, & sustenance—qualities we find in each human who attends our events.

We also draw inspiration from the age-old, classic story of magic beans. The Human Beans Project aims to encourage and empower guests to share their unique gifts, inspire others through their stories, and to plant seeds (beans?) of change.

The proof is in the pictures

Take a peek into the fun of previous events. 

Ask all the questions

This is a place for common questions that might be asked about the event. 

Will there be food at the event?

Food is a universal connector, & our menu will highlight its role in bringing people together.

We’ll feature dishes & dining experiences that showcase delightful fare, emphasizing the importance of nourishment and sharing.

Join us for an evening of connection, conversation, and culinary treats at The Human Beans Project. Let’s make some magic together.

Inspired by Jess Janz’s “Dinner with Strangers,” our events are designed to help you connect to others in an intimate and engaging setting, free from the boring “what do you do for work” talk.

Absolutely! In fact – we encourage it! These events are designed to help facilitate new connections. 

You bet! Contact us for more information on our private event booking options. 

I want in

If you’re seeing this message it means that tickets to this event are currently not available. It also (likely) means that we’re in planning mode for the next one. Get on the VIP invite list to be on our A list when the next date is announced. 

Dine with us!

Get notified when tickets for our next dinner go on sale!

Next event in St. Albert, AB October 2024