being planned
Share & tell
social circles
Inspired by a love of (& nostalgic craving for) show & tell, these gatherings are designed for us to geek out about the things we’re really into – together!
Tell us what you’re passionate about, teach us something you’re learning, ask us a question for collective brainstorming. This is a space to share your curiosities amongst kindred minds.

You've got something to share
& I want to learn
These events will be offered both in-person (hosted in & around Vancouver, BC) & virtually via Kumospace*.
Each event will offer a selection of “share & tell” blocks that will be available to claim. Our ST’s for the eve (share & tellers) will eve get an equal allotted amount of time. Each event will feature varying styles of presentation & interaction. Some you can anticipate are:
- Pecha Kucha – a fast-paced way to share; ST’s present up to 20 images discussing each for 20 seconds bringing the whole talk to just under 7 minutes. (Fun fact: Images will slide automatically so ST’s you better be in your timing toes!)
- Fireside chats – a more intimate take on presentations & more akin to a conversation with a friend. A host will engage an ST around a topic of choice & conversation will flow naturally.
- Talent Show – an opportunity to “take the stage” & share with us a song, dance, spoken poem, written story, karate move, plant baby, pet trick, or whatever your special magic is.

All the important details
- Event Date
- Event Time
- Location
Planning is currently in the works for this event series. Our virtual offering will likely launch first (expect fall 2024).
*Virtual Share & Tell offerings will be hosted on Kumospace (a fun & interactive online platform).

There's always more to learn
This info box will explain more about the event, who is collaborating, and where the event originated/was inspired from.

Ask all the questions
This is a place for common questions that might be asked about the event.

I want in
If you’re seeing this message it means that tickets to this event are currently not available. It also (likely) means that we’re in planning mode for the next one. Get on the VIP invite list to be on our A list when the next date is announced.