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in development

There will come a time when

it's time to teach

I’m coming back to my teacher roots (my mom was a teacher so it’s no surprise I find myself called to a similar path). Yet, like everything I do, I want to do things a bit differently.

I don’t want to call this “coaching”, but you can call me Coach KC if you like. What this is is an opportunity to define your own purpose by learning one-on-one alongside me (Kelsey Currier). We’ll be applying the following principles to your unique constellation chart to “connect the dots” of your own unique purpose map. 

Calling in my fellow

multipotentialite & mani-gens

If you’re a multipotentialite/manifesting-generator (aka. a mover & a shaker of all things), I’m calling to you! *picture me with a boom-box outside your window*

I know you have a whole box of hats that you’re capable of wearing. If you’re anything like me, you’re wondering how many you can wear at once before people start referring to you as “that weird hat-person”. 

Fret not dear multi-facted maven, I’m here to help.

Clarify your Purpose

If you’re like me & are seeking to solve the “why am I here” quandry, I’d love to share how I figured out my puzzle!  

connect the dots

Not sure how to bring all of your unique skillsets together? I can help “style your offerings” & put it all together. 

Craft Your Tale

Every multipotentialte I have come across has a colourful tale to tell of how they made it through. I can help tell yours.

personal development

find your why what makes your spark(le)
  • Uncover your personal core impact statement
  • Reconnect with the passions that rekindle your joy
  • Design daily practices that inspire & spark personal growth
  • Shift your connection to your body with somatic practices

professional development

embrace it all design your life your way
  • Blend all of your YOU-niqueness into your careeer or business
  • Clearly define your answer to the dreaded "what do you do?" question
  • Build financial ease through multiple income streams
  • Enjoy agile days built around what energizes & inspires you

Let's get together

how to connect

Join/Follow Along

What's in Motion

As an Aries Sun, Manifesting Generator, and Multipotentialite, I wear many hats! Explore what I’m working on, follow along as our efforts grow, & get involved with what excites your soul!

Let's Spark Magic

Start a New Project

 I have a current “want to work on” list. These are projects I’m usually ready & excited to get started on. I’m also always open for unexpectedly aligned opportunities should they come knocking. 

You're Invited

Attend an Event

I’ve come full circle back to my OG passion – events! I’m thrilled to plan a selection of thoughtfully curated events both virtually & in-person. From retreats to parties – you know you want in!


taking notes

custom journal

As a passionate journal advocate, I’m thrilled when others are interested in starting their journal journey. My customized journals are one-of-a-kind notebooks of prompts & other words-of-affirmation notes to nurture your curiosity of the written word. 

Dine with us!

Get notified when tickets for our next dinner go on sale!

Next event in St. Albert, AB October 2024