It’s been a week since I co-hosted my very first dinner party event, and I’ve finally had a chance to sit and write down some of my reflections from this experience.
(a brief background)
My friends and I are hospitality buffs – meaning each of us has a deep desire to provide genuine and authentic experiences for others. We were brought together through the industry (through a local restaurant none-the-less) and since our connection, the 6 of us have envisioned producing an event together. This summer, when Chelsea and Tony’s dream of owning their own restaurant came to fruition, our event planning mission followed suit, and so “The Human Beans” project was born.

(why beans)
Our name, Human Beans, is a playful twist on “human beings,” reflecting the idea that, like beans, we come in many varieties & provide essential nourishment to each other. Beans symbolize diversity, versatility, & sustenance—qualities that also represent the humans who attend our events.
We also draw inspiration from the age-old, classic story of magic beans. The Human Beans Project aims to encourage and empower guests to share their unique gifts, inspire others through their stories, and to plant seeds (beans?) of change.

(the event)
Not a group to do anything low-key, we decided to dive into the deep end and host an event that put 4 of the most controversial topics on the table (literally).
We had 24 brave human beans show up for dinner and step into our world for the evening.
- Sex → after receiving a welcoming cocktail (some liquid courage) and sampling a delicious beef heart tartare appetizer, our beans were invited to roam through the space an get to know each other with some opening questions around what we wish we could go back to share with our younger selves about love and sex (and what we’re still working on learning)
- Money → next, beans were guided to “family dinner tables” where, in groups of 4, we discussed our savings goals, the many ways our histories shaped our money beliefs, and where in our lives we celebrate abundance. The chef’s wowed our guests with an exquisite dish made from (allegedly) stolen squash.
- Politics → things got a bit messy as we moved into this round. Our beans needed to work together to clear and rearrange the tables so we could all come together. During this portion of the evening we discussed the Middle Eastern reconciliation tradition of “sulha”. We got our hands dirty as we dug in, eating Manseff and conversing about what change could look like.
- Religion → by this point in the evening, our beans slipped naturally into opening up about their connection to Spirit. A non-traditional dish based on the traditional bread/wine/fish offerings, was paired with conversations echoing a common thread of connecting to “something bigger”, even if that “thing” had different names across the table.
(host reflections)
Between the 6 of us, we have been part of hundreds of events. We’ve seen the best and the worst of the industry and knew that when we each brought our A-Game to the table, magic would happen. And so it did.
This event was the true definition and living example of what collaboration – deep, genuine, authentic collaboration – looks like.
United around a common goal: bringing people together to the dinner table and equipped with over 70 YEARS (and over a hundred thousand hours) of collective hospitality/event experience, excellence shined through.
Not without hiccups (what event isn’t), the evening flowed as each person contributing was empowered to exist in their zone of genius. Our chefs curated and cooked a one-of-a-kind menu completely on theme. Our hosts crafted cocktails, guided guests through scintillating conversations, and held space for everyone to participate in the evening. Even our dessert partner knocked it out of the park with customized themed chocolates!

Yet – all of the planning and logistics (all 22 pages of them), would have meant nothing if it wasn’t for the gracious human beans who showed up to dine with us. Many of them knowing very little about what they were in for, took a chance to say yes to a new experience. I am incredibly grateful for every bean that courageously opened up and shared their beautiful, curious, heartfelt perspectives on topics that aren’t very easy to discuss. You all inspire me.

Who knew:
- that you could take 24 (mostly) strangers
- from all different backgrounds (including Indigenous beans, beans that fought in the Israeli army, beans from Jordan and Egypt, Christian beans, buddhist beans, wealthy beans, unemployed beans, and a bunch of beans in between)
- put them at a table (feed them delicious food)
And have it result in deep, thoughtful, intimate conversations (with no screaming or yelling).
Who knew that we could come to the table, along with all of our differences, share with each other, and learn that we’re actually not all that different?
Well…this human bean had a thought it could be done. And so it can be. I CANNOT WAIT to bring some more of you to the table. Stay tuned for our next event (January 2025).

(the post it notes are some of the words our guests shared with us at the end of the evening. Some of my favorites: seen, connected, charged, heard, and magic. I’d say that sounds like a pretty darn good evening.)